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Photo Contest Winners

2024 Q4 Singles

Khai Le

Quarter 4 judges, Len Wood

General News

This was a good category. Hard to choose the winners.

First Place: Complicated image with lots of depth and emotion. Colors, faces make it memorable.

Second Place: Sign face. B/W is perfect here. Sign pictures can be hard, but his face tells so much you don’t need to read notice.

Third Place: Rim light. Elegant light makes moving image.

Honorable Mention:
NARCAN reaction. Look on victim’s face shows lifesaving process.

Honorable Mention:
This image is most successful because the photographer used the space to provide context by finding someone with a Valenzuela jersey, making it a clear distinct news event.


First Place : This is a lovely moment found where the subjects are clearly not aware of the photographer.

Second Place : Aquarium—Evocative blue light looks like space with great eyes on center subject

Third place: Christmas snow. Red tint works here with great faces.

Honorable Mention: Once you read the caption you realize the significance of this image. Nice moment.

Honorable Mention: Break dance—That shadow! Warm light for nice street shot.


This was the hardest category to judge.  The best set of images besides the General News category .

First Place: That light and expression! Texture of her dress makes everything even more interesting. Beautiful shot.

Second Place: The subject’s face and demeanor vs his condition and environment make this memorable. What a shot! I’ve seen a lot of homeless portraits but none like this.

Third Place: Football player’s expression/eyes against that stark sky are great but jamming him in the middle of those goalposts makes the photo a winner.

Honorable Mention: Utilizing window light here shows the photographer worked the room to find the best spot.

Honorable Mention: This one and the other football portrait are neck to neck to me. I love both photos.  There is an intensity this image.

Honorable Mention: This looks to me like a daily photo that we all have had to do.  Nicely done.  I like the light on his face and that the light on the opposite side is complementary to it.


First Place: The winning image in this category uses color, timing, and distinction in composition to capture an image that’s most aesthetic appealing and interesting.

Second Place: Bubbles— Color and spacey mood with great composition.

Third Place: The technical prowess combined with creative thought to capture the moon between the haze of two holiday lights placed this as third.

Honorable Mention: Sunset fence. Simple image that I keep coming back to. Lots of sunsets in this category but none with something else to say like this.

Honorable Mention: This photographer was thinking about location and switching this up. I like it.  Maybe further back with a longer lens.

Spot News

This was the weakest category. No real emotion. No reations that you typically see in spot news. I did not feel there were any Honorable Mentions.

First Place: High angle gets plane, damaged truck and witnesses visible in frame.

Second Place: Really a strange catch of civilian on civilian conflict. Black and white photo cuts out complicating color.

Third Place: Good angle of split house adds to drama, as does position of witness.  Wish there was a face for a human connection.


First Place: Smoke guitarist— Great composition and exposure.

Second Place: Great wide-angle face standalone shot.

Third Place: Ballet with soft colors and reflection. Quiet and moody.

Honorable Mention: Concert crowd with a different look lets the viewer practically hear the music.

Sports Features

First Place: Every player in this image tells the story of the huge moment.
Second place: You can feel the drama of the moment. Focus is perfect on Freeman as soft background shows anticipation/ reaction of everyone watching.
Third Place: Fun interaction with hockey player and fan. Good catch.
Honorable Mention: Use of a slow shutter to get the feel of this makes it a winner. I wish I could see more faces.
Honorable Mention: Head stand makes for strange, good moment

Sports Action

Really good Category and hard to narrow them down. Good peak action.

First Place: Three arms converge on the ball for great graphic motion. Nice light.

Second Place: Hands only makes a different look at the game. Fun angles and shapes on clear background for iconic shot.

Third Place: Horizontal motion throughout this catch punctuated by that blue scoreboard. Fun graphic elements.

Honorable Mention 1: Look back catch is a great moment. Receiver’s eyes make it a winner.

Honorable Mention 2: Fantastic peak action in this photo.


First Place: Evacuation— Apocalypse now! Really spooky with caped evacuee and general darkness.

Second Place: Embers fly—Nice moment and technique. Better crop from the right side might help.

Third Place: Helicopter and brush crew—Great timing, location, light.

Honorable Mention 1: Backfire—Nice depth with silhouette in foreground, fire in back.

Honorable Mention 2: This is a unique find.  I like that the photographer was watching for it. peak action in this photo.

Meet our judge

Len Wood is a freelance photographer on the Central Coast. He spent decades working for daily newspapers including the Santa Maria Times and Santa Barbara News-Press as a photographer, editor, designer and graphic artist.