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Photo Contest Winners

2024 Q4 Picture Story

Khai Le

Quarter 4 judges, Len Wood

This category had more than the photo essay did, but this one has three that rose to the top.  No Honorable Mentions.

First Place: Some really nice people moments. Gorgeous use of color and light. Photographer kept the environment as a star in this without getting repetitive. I can practically hear their voices.

Second Place: Nice pictures of interesting people. Black and white kept the focus on the people.

Third Place: Man placed in interesting perspectives adds variety. Good mix of wides and teles. I wish I could see his eyes, rather than only sunglasses and goggles. 05 is good for that, but maybe 01 might be better without shades to add some humanity.

First Place: Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times

Second Place: Ringo Chiu / Freelance

Third Place: Ringo Chiu / Freelance

Meet your judge

Len Wood is a freelance photographer on the Central Coast. He spent decades working for daily newspapers including the Santa Maria Times and Santa Barbara News-Press as a photographer, editor, designer and graphic artist.