2021 Photo Essay Winners
Judges: (click here for judges' bios)
First Place: Gina Ferazzi, Los Angeles Times
“Stranded in Mexico”
Migrants Stranded in Mexico: Migrant camps have swelled to the thousands in the dangerous border towns of Reynosa and Matamoros, Mexico as the extension of the Trump pandemic policy continues to bar many migrants from seeking asylum. They pass the time, not knowing when or if they will ever leave the migrant camps. Children pass the time playing soccer on a rough field across from the home they are staying with 36 other asylum-seekers on December 7, 2021 in Matamoros, Mexico.
REYNOSA, MEXICO - DECEMBER 6, 2021: Migrant camps have swelled to the thousands in the dangerous border towns of Reynosa and Matamoros, Mexico as the extension of the Trump pandemic policy continues to bar many migrants from seeking asylum. They pass the time, not knowing when or if they will ever leave the migrant camps.Asylum-seeker Maria Jacinto Gomez, 27, of Guatemala, right, sleeps on an air mattress with her 11 year-old son nearby in the crowded gazebo filled with migrants at the Plaza Las Americas migrant tent camp which currently holds 2,000 migrants on December 6, 2021 in Reynosa, Mexico. Gomez and her son have been there for 5 months.
REYNOSA, MEXICO - DECEMBER 6, 2021: Alex Gorman, a worker for the non-profit Sidewalk School, carries a young mute and deaf migrant girl who was in need of medical attention at the Plaza Las Americas migrant tent camp on December 6, 2021 in Reynosa, Mexico.
REYNOSA, MEXICO - DECEMBER 8, 2021: Haitian migrant Claudia Chery, 36, tastes the stew she’s making over an open flame at the Plaza Las Americas migrant tent camp which currently holds 2,000 migrants on December 8, 2021 in Reynosa, Mexico.
REYNOSA, MEXICO - DECEMBER 6, 2021: Haitian migrants live in this apartment complex with migrants from Central America and the rent is paid for by the non-profit Sidewalk School run by Felicia Rangel-Samponaro on December 6, 2021 in Reynosa, Mexico. Many Haitians need our be segregated from the general migrant camps because of racism.
REYNOSA, MEXICO - DECEMBER 6, 2021: Haitian migrants seeking asylum, mingle together at Senda De Vida migrant shelter on December 6, 2021 in Reynosa, Mexico.
MATAMOROS, MEXICO - DECEMBER 7, 2021: Migrant women and children stay close together as they try and find out how much longer they will have to wait for have their asylum claims heard on December 7, 2021 in Matamoros, Mexico.
MATAMOROS, MEXICO - DECEMBER 7, 2021: A migrant women is brought to tears as she recalls how she and her children were threatened with kidnapping while staying in a remote shelter with 36 other migrants on December 7, 2021 in Matamoros, Mexico.
MATAMOROS, MEXICO - DECEMBER 7, 2021: Sitting in a worn out tire, migrant Eduardo Jesus shares phone videos with migrant Isaac Gomez across from the shelter they are staying with 36 other asylum-seekers on December 7, 2021 in Matamoros, Mexico.
REYNOSA, MEXICO - DECEMBER 6, 2021: Black Mexican-American border activist Felicia Rangel-Samponaro, left, hugs Amarillis Najaro Santa Cruz, 33 from Guatemala, one of her asylum-seeking migrant teachers, at an apartment complex housing other migrants from Central America and Haiti on December 6, 2021 in Reynosa, Mexico. She founded the non-profit Sidewalk School so the children of migrants from Central America and Haiti can learn English and other studies. Her non-profit also pays the rent for the migrants at this apartment complex and others.
Second Place: Amy Gaskin
Marilyn Monroe died nearly 60 years ago in Los Angeles. She would have been 95 this year. Yet, like ripples on a pond, her memory lives on through the people who celebrate her and remember her. Some relate to her quietly, while others have dedicated their lives to keeping her story alive. Many tell stories of how she has inspired them and has gotten them through tough times. Some are captivated by her beauty. Others feel she has been misunderstood and her intelligence underestimated. Others simply enjoy her movies. There are few still living who knew her personally. Her crypt is visited regularly and flowers still arrive nearly daily. There is also the Òbusiness of Marilyn.Ó Marilyn is a tourist draw in Southern California - especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where her likenesses, small and huge, were brought in specifically for the purpose of bringing in tourist dollars. Simply put, there is only one Marilyn, and she is still a magnetic force in Southern Calif.
Marilyn Monroe helps save the theater during the pandemic. Due the COVID-19 pandemic, many movie theaters are shut down, losing billions of dollars in revenue globally. To make up for lost income, the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. closed its famous courtyard to visitors and decided to charge an entry fee to the few tourists who visit. Visitors can no longer freely touch Monroe's handprints in the cement due to virus concerns, but they can now take pictures with her outdoors for a fee. A mannequin of Marilyn Monroe is installed by employee Earl on Thursday, March 11, 2021 in the Hollywood neighborhood of Los Angeles, Calif.
Greg Schreiner is the president of the Marilyn Remembered Fan Club. Schreiner has a vast collection of personal items which once belonged to Monroe. ÒShe started from nothing. She was almost an orphan here in Los Angeles and rose to being one of the greatest movie stars of all time. I wish that I had known her, and thatÕs why I started collectingÑ so I could get to know her better. ThereÕs almost like a light around her. SheÕs so fascinating and I donÕt know why exactly. There are a lot of theories: possibly that she has a vulnerability, like sort of a child in a womanÕs body. But thereÕs more than that. ThereÕs such a lovely spirit that comes across. I didnÕt know her of course, but IÕve met dozens of people that did know her. They said that she had a very warm, giving, loving personality. She was the kind of person youÕd want to hang around.Ó Friday, April 9, 2021 in Los Angeles, Calif.
A memorial service for Marilyn Monroe is held in the same chapel where her memorial was originally held nearly sixty years ago. The Marilyn Remembered Fan Club has hosted regular meetings and organizes events, including the annual memorial service for nearly forty years. Established in 1982, the club was founded by four Marilyn Monroe fans who met by chance at her grave on the anniversary of her passing. The clubÕs mission: ÒTo preserve the memory of Marilyn Monroe with dignity and grace.Ó At Pierce Brothers Westwood Village Memorial Park on Thursday, August 5, 2021 in Los Angeles, Calif.
Actress Renee Taylor, 88, mourns her friend and classmate, Marilyn Monroe. Taylor and Monroe were in Lee StrasbergÕs acting class together. ÒI donÕt think she got credit for her great performances. I think it was a sexist thing. She would stand in front of everybody and be critiqued in class. It was impressive that she would be vulnerable like that.Ó Taylor spoke at the memorial service and recounted how Monroe shared beauty tips with her. Monroe told her the secret to soft skin was to be covered in Vaseline while taking baths for hours at a time. She also told Taylor that eating grapes would help. Taylor tried both and said neither was the success she hoped for. Regarding her outfit today: ÒWhenever I go to someoneÕs funeral, I think what would they like to see me in?Ó Thursday, August 5, 2021 in Los Angeles, Calif.
Joe DiMaggio, MonroeÕs ex-husband, had six red roses delivered three times a week to her crypt for over 20 years, according to Susan Hail, owner of the Parisian Florist. They delivered over 18,000 roses in all. Then one day, DiMaggio came into the shop and said ÒthatÕs enoughÓ and discontinued the deliveries. MonroeÕs funeral and casket piece was one of HailÕs fatherÕs first jobs as a florist. DiMaggio organized the service and kept out the Hollywood elite. The family owned shop continues to operate and provides flowers for many of MonroeÕs friends and fans who continue to honor her. ÊHail remembers hearing about it, but was too young to really remember it vividly. ÊJoe DiMaggio only allowed his flowers at MarilynÕs funeral. No one elseÕs flowers were allowed in. Friday, May 28, 2021 in Los Angeles, Calif.
The 26 foot tall, 24,000 pound stainless steel and aluminum sculpture ÒForever MarilynÓ is installed in Palm Springs to promote tourism during the Covid-19 pandemic at a reported cost of one million dollars. Some believe she can reverse the slumping tourist industry and save local businesses. Adam Garey removes the cloth protective cover from her face. Garey is Supervisor of Fabrication, Metal Chasing, and Installations at the Seward Johnson Atelier. Thursday, June 17, 2021 in Palm Springs, Calif.
"Cher-Javier" is a female impersonator of Marilyn Monroe. "I have tons of books about her. What inspires me about her is her rise from the tragic life she led. ItÕs unbelievable. She was just this little orphan girl." Sunday, June 20, 2021 in Palm Springs, Calif.
The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel swimming pool is the site of a Marilyn Monroe photo shoot held seventy years ago, in 1951. Monroe also stayed at this hotel in the mid 1950s. Tonight, in honor of her 95th birthday, the hotel is screening ÒSome Like it Hot,Ó one of MonroeÕs most famous movies. In the foreground is Marilyn impersonator Jessica ÒSugarÓ Kiper and her husband Nicholas Critelli. Kiper won the eveningÕs Marilyn Monroe look-a-like contest with a prize of a nightÕs stay in the ÒMarilyn Monroe Suite.Ó ÒI discovered my femininity via Marilyn when I was young, poor, and sad at age 12, when a couple of adults told me I resembled her. I started performing as her at 16. I identified with her and looked up to her. When I came to Los Angeles at 19, my first agent was The William Morris Agency, just like her! IÕve enjoyed paying homage to her all these years,Ó said Kiper. Tuesday, June 1, 2021 in Los Angeles, Calif.
Ezequiel Banuelos, 25, from Torrance, visits the crypt on Marilyn MonroeÕs 95th birthday. ÒShe is a very big inspiration, and someone who helped me get through the toughest of times. I met her in a previous life and sheÕd tell me ÔdonÕt worry, youÕll get through this.' IÕm older now than how I look. My real age is 126. How Marilyn and I met was in a grocery store in downtown LA in 1954. I saw her walking by and I easily recognized her. I asked her out to be my girlfriend, but she told me sheÕd just gotten married to Joe DiMaggio. We were very close friends. I was seeing her every now and then in the area. The last time I saw her was in 1960. I was devastated when she died. I was told she died from an overdose but I have my doubts. When I knew her, she was perfectly fine. She was in abusive marriages and had miscarriages. But I donÕt know about the drug use. Not everybody believes in the whole past lives thing. I donÕt share it. Banuelos explained he is wearing clothes similar to what Marilyn would have seen people wearing in the 1950s. At Pierce Brothers Westwood Village Memorial Park on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 in Los Angeles, Calif.
Steve Gonzales, 54, cleans Marilyn's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. ÒI was born in love with Marilyn Monroe. What I'm doing, that's just love. Who's more crowned as the queen of Hollywood than Marilyn? I haven't been here since March, 2020 because I've been too scared of Corona. Look what I just did, I could have gotten Corona on me. I feel better that I did some love. I finally got the courage to do it now. I just had to do it today. Before Corona I cleaned one time per month, depending on how nasty it was. I cleaned every month here for 5 years. It's clean for the fans. Maybe Marilyn's out there and she saw me. I don't really believe that, but I like to think that. I never met this person in my life. This is what's absurd. I was born after she had already died. I grew up in Salinas. If you don't know Norma Jean was a beauty queen and artichoke queen, there's something wrong. I'm homeless. It's like an emergency near death experience every day here and then you add corona on top.Ó Friday, April 2, 2021 in Los Angeles, Calif.
Third Place: Mindy Schauer, Orange County Register
“Surf Dogs”

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA - SEPTEMBER 25: Big dogs can’t wait to catch big waves during the Surf City Surf Dog competition on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA - SEPTEMBER 25: Waves crash over Derby’s surfboard during the Surf City Surf Dog competition on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA - SEPTEMBER 25: Guinness, an English bulldog, takes a low center of gravity during the Surf City Surf Dog competition in Huntington Beach on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA - SEPTEMBER 25: Teddy, a golden doodle, struts his stuff for the crowd before competing in the shredder category of the Surf City Surf Dog competition on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA - SEPTEMBER 25: Ryan Rustan and Sugar go overboard during the 2021 Surf City Surf Dog contest. Dozens of canines competed in Huntington Beach on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA - SEPTEMBER 25: A small dog competes on a big board during the Surf City Surf Dog competition in Huntington Beach on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA - SEPTEMBER 25: Derby, a goldendoodle with a mohawk, gets carried back to his board after catching a wave at the Surf City Surf Dog competition on Saturday, September 25, 2021.Derby is owned by Kentucky Gallahue.

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA - SEPTEMBER 25: Ryan Thor’s dog Prince watches the Surf City Surf Dog competition with wide eyes on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA - SEPTEMBER 25: Ryan Rustan and his competition companion, Sugar, take part in the dog/human heat at the 2021 Surf City Surf Dog contest. Dozens of canines competed in Huntington Beach on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

James Wall gets a good-luck kiss from his pit bull, Faith, before competing in the Surf City Surf Dog competition on Saturday, September 25, 2021.
AWARD OF EXCELLENCE: Sarah Reingewirtz, Los Angeles Daily News
“High Mortality Rates Black Women”
With a history of racism it is hard for pregnant Black women to trust the medical establishment. Many feel they are having unnecessary c-sections and they are unheard by their doctors. In Los Angeles County, mortality rates among Black mothers from perinatal complications are four times higher compared to White women. Black infants are three times more likely to die before reaching their first birthday. In Riverside County, Black newborns are three times more likely to die than their white counterparts. Aysha-Samon Stokes was so intent on avoiding another c-section or hospital birth that she said, ÒI told my partner if I canÕt find what I want, to be prepared to deliver this baby at home with just me, him and our kids,Ó She then found a Black midwife in her third trimester and delivered a healthy baby boy on MotherÕs day at a South Los Angeles Birthing Center.Aysha-Samon Stokes son Wyatt, 17 months, jumps on her as her Midwife Kimberly Durdin begins to check her baby at Kindred Space LA, a birthing center Durdin opened during the pandemic with another midwife in South Los Angeles. With fear of another C-Section and fear of the high mortality rate in the hospitals among women like herself Stokes found her midwife in her third trimester.
Wyatt pops up after Aysha made him sit as she gets him a snack at home in downtown Los Angeles. Aysha’s midwife talked about a diet with more fresh fruits and vegetables for the whole family during her prenatal visit.
Lauri Powell massages her sister Aysha during labor at Kindred Space LA’s birthing center in South Los Angeles on Mother’s Day night.
While Aysha rests, her partner Dennis Richmond touches their son after catching their baby in the birthing bath on Mother’s Day night.
Midwives Kimberly Durdin and Allegra Hill help Aysha out of the birthing bath. The two opened their South Los Angeles birthing center during the pandemic.
Aysha’s sister Lauri Powell and her 13-year-old daughter Leena, Aysha’s niece, and Dennis watch over Aysha after she delivered her son.
A chicken runs through Midwife Racha Tahani Lawler’s garden as she sits in the space where she meets with women. She once owned a community birth center to help her community but without insurance covering midwifery found it to be difficult to sustain and now does home births.
Midwife Angie Miller listens to the heart beat of MyLin Stokes Kennedy’s baby with her wife Lindsay and their child Lennox, 21 months, at their Fountain Valley home.
Aysha and her daughter Nyla, 6, watch Midwife Allegra Hill and student Midwife Maryam Karim take the heartbeat of two-week-old Nikko during a postpartum visit to the South Los Angeles birthing center where he was born on Mother’s Day night.
Midwife Allegra Hill weighs two-week-old Nikko at her South Los Angeles birthing center where he was born on Mother’s Day night.
“Controlled Anarchy”
APRIL 21, 2021. SAN LUIS, ARIZONA. This gate in the $-multi-million border fence built during the Trump Administration has become the Holy Grail for undocumented immigrants from throughout Latin America. The barrier is so far inside Arizona that 1000Õs of people a week have exploited the convenience by walking unimpeded from Mexico then across the dry Colorado River river bottom and onto U.S. territory. Ironically no one runs from the Border Patrol; everyone surrenders and pleas for asylum, not unlike controlled anarchy. Ñ A group of Cuban men climb the 30Õ barrier but surrendered to U.S. agents once they landed on the freedom side of the fence. They confessed it was a spontaneous stunt to celebrate their months-long journey and escape from a hopeless future in Havana.
CONTROLLED ANARCHY. Two Cuban nationals fall to their knees after scaling the border fence in San Luis, Arizona. They and 2 companions climbed to the top and squeezed through an existing cut in the barbed wire. They guy in the checked shirt explained that the stunt was not in defiance of American immigration law, but a spontaneous celebration to end their 4-month journey from Cuba. After bowing in prayer they surrendered to U.S. Border Patrol agents and requested asylum.
APRIL 21, 2021. SAN LUIS, ARIZONA. A group of Brazilian nationals walk in the shadow of the U.S./Mexico border fence. The barrier here is 100 yards inside U.S. territory. They are rushing towards a gate where they will wait to be taken into custody by U.S. Border Patrol. All will make a plea for asylum.
MAY 2, 2021. SAN LUIS, ARIZONA. A group of men, women and children with pants wet up to the knees stop for an approaching U.S. Border Patrol agent. They illegally crossed into San Luis, Arizona from Mexico through the shallows of the Colorado River just over the levee in the background. Hundreds of undocumented immigrants from throughout Latin America have been giving up along this easily breached portion of the border and pleading for asylum.
MAY 2, 2021. SAN LUIS, ARIZONA. Three Brazilian children from the DeCarvalho family wait with their parents to surrender to U.S. Border Patrol agents. The walked from Mexico and into Arizona through an unsecured portion of the border where they made a plea for asylum.
APRIL 22, 2021. SAN LUIS, ARIZONA. Venezuelan national Francisco Gonzalez, 59 dries his tears with his infant grandsonÕs onesie while he waits for U.S. Border Patrol agents to arrest him. The garment was sent by his daughter who lives in Memphis, TN and humorously states, ÒI Just Arrived But IÕm Already the BossÓ. Gonzalez said political and economic conditions in Venezuela are no joke and forced his family to flee with dreams of being granted asylum and reuniting with those whom immigrated before them.
APRIL 22, 2021. SAN LUIS, ARIZONA. Cuban and Venezuelans surrender to U.S. Border Patrol agents where the border fence is so far inside Arizona that it has become an uncontested route from Mexico to the U.S. for hundreds of migrants every day.
MAY 2, 2021. SAN LUIS, ARIZONA. U.S. Border Patrol field agent I. Piceno copies information from the passport of one of 50 undocumented immigrants who made an easy but illegal crossing into Arizona. They trekked 2.5 miles from Mexico and along this graded dirt road between the fence and a Colorado River canal. Hundreds of migrants from throughout Latin American arrive here every day and plea for asylum. One frustrated agent quipped, ÒI got into this business for law enforcement. Now IÕm a baby sitter.Ó
MAY 2, 2021. SAN LUIS, ARIZONA. Yuma County Sheriff Sgt. R. Arriola lifts a child into a van at the U.S./Mexico border fence. Arriola, along with the Arizona National Guard, was recruited in an emergency measure to assist the U.S. Border Patrol in processing an unprecedented number of undocumented immigrants. 1000Õs per month have requested asylum here.
MAY 1, 2021. SAN LUIS, ARIZONA. Four pairs of shoes and socks sit near the Arizona side of the U.S./Mexico border fence south of Yuma. It appears that all the socks match, suggesting the footgear belongs to one family of migrants. Although unconfirmed, itÕs likely that the group was recently detained and arrested by U.S. Border Patrol agents. ItÕs unknown if the shoes were voluntarily left behind.