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Photo Contest Winners

2021 Qtr. 2 Picture Story

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Marcia Prouse, Quarter 2 Judge

Like the contest rules say, picture stories used to be the hallmark of photojournalism. Not so much in this quarter's contest. Many of the entries were simply a collection of images made at an event. And, many of the entries had too many repetitive careful in your editing. Whether because of a lack of staffing or the severe time constraints of trying to juggle projects and the pandemic, etc., none of the entries were in-depth stories like traditional picture stories. With that in mind, the two winners, at least, were stories with a narrative arc from one- or two-day shoots.

First place

Good story idea executed well. Each photo was interesting and well-done with a good mix of tight and overall images. I don't understand the need for both of the last two images -- stylistically, they were very similar. The last photo was the weaker of the two.

Second place

The photographer really worked the subject, but I would have liked to have seen a bit more variety in the images -- maybe a tight face and a detail to round out the package. I would have edited it tighter and skipped the straightforward photo of him lying on the floor; the more overall one, perhaps cropped more tightly, would have done the work of both photos.

First Place: Patrick Fallon, Agence France-Presse

Second Place: Will Lester, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin/SCNG

Meet Our Judge, Marcia Prouse


Marcia Prouse started her professional career as a photo editor and deputy director of photography at the Detroit Free Press. She was part of the picture editing team that edited two Pulitzer Prize-winning entries for Feature Photography, in addition to three finalists. That team was also honored with the Angus McDougall Award in picture editing in POY. Marcia returned to California to the Orange County Register as a photo editor, Director of Photography, Sunday Editor, Page One editor, and finally, Assistant Managing Editor/Page One and Photography. In 2014, she moved to the Tennessean in Nashville, eventually becoming Visuals and Storytelling Coach.

Marcia got hooked on photojournalism when she was required to take a photo class for her journalism education major at Arizona State University. After brief stints, mostly as a photographer, at the now-defunct Simi Valley Enterprise and Camarillo Daily News, she completed the master's program at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, where she produced the book, "Arrow Rock: 20th Century Frontier Town."

Since retiring from the Tennessean earlier this year, she has been freelance editing, coaching photographers and teaching. She just returned from Alaska, the 50th state she has visited.