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Photo Contest Winners

2021 Qtr. 1 Picture Story

Guest User

Curt Chandler, Quarter 1 Judge

Judges Notes on winners – There’s clearly a huge amount of confusion between what constitutes a picture story and what makes a photo essay. A picture story needs to have a narrative backbone. A photo essay is more impressionistic.

Of these entries, the first-place surfing goat project was by far the most tightly edited story, with a clear narrative. I actually would have liked to have seen maybe one more picture of a capsize, or a tight image of a (human) kid reacting to the experience. But better leaving the audience wanting more, than cramming too much into a project. The second-place story on the farm-workers was more interpretive and less reactive than the other entries. The edit is loose and would have benefited from building the narrative more around the interaction of the union rep with the workers in the field. Third place had some excellent singles and a rough chronological structure. Images 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 and 11 are the story. Everything else is redundant.

First Place: Mindy Schauer, Orange County Register

Second Place: Patrick T. Fallon, AFP

Third place: RINGO CHIU, Freelance

Meet Our Judge, Curt Chandler


Curt Chandler teaches multimedia reporting and entrepreneurial journalism at Penn State University. Before jumping to academia he was the director of photography and editor for online innovation at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. He taught picture editing and design at the Northern Short Course in Photojournalism for more than a decade and has been a long-time video trainer at NPPA's Multimedia Immersion workshop. He has edited two books on photojournalism and visual management, The Great Picture Hunt II by David LaBelle and Vision, Courage and Heart by Bob Lynn.