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Photo Contest Winners

2020 Qtr. 2 Photo Stories

Khai Le

“It got down to two BLM protests and a Covid home schooling story.  And all three had strong images.  

First Place: BLM Protest Turns Violent.  This had a beginning, middle and end with strong images along the way.  It’s incredible to have a strong photo of the man with the grey sweat pants running away from the rubber bullets, and then later another strong image of him on the ground in pain.  Another photographer got this same moment, but the fact that this photographer had the man before and after he got hurt threads the story together.

Second Place:  Covid Home Schooling.  Beautiful moments of these families home schooling together.  I would’ve loved to have seen more, just because they were fun to see.  But each photo was different, and well done.  

Third Place: Floyd Protests.  More powerful images of the protests taken over a few days.  I would’ve recommended to remove one of the two images that has a person in the center of a crowd with his arm in the air.  I especially like the prayer group and the Whole Foods photos.”

-Ellen Jaskol, Quarter 2 Judge.

First Place: Gina Ferazzi, Los Angeles Times

BLM Protest Turns Violent

Second Place: Gina Ferazzi, Los Angeles Times

Covid Home Schooling

Third place: Kent Nishimura, Los Angeles Times

Floyd Protests

Meet our judge, Ellen Jaskol

Up until early 2009, I was a newspaper photographer and photo editor at the Rocky Mountain News in Denver for 17 years, where our photo team won two Pulitzer Prizes, and before that I was at the Los Angeles Times, as staff photographer and photo editor, following three photo internships there in 1983/1984, and then lots of freelancing for them before finally getting hired.  In 2010 and 2011,  I spent some time in Afghanistan and Pakistan, photographing children, teachers, and communities in schools for the Central Asia Institute, co-founded by Greg Mortenson, who wrote the book "Three Cups of Tea."   Currently I have my own photography business, doing mostly corporate work, and I am completely grateful for it.