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Glendale, CA 91202

Photo Contest Winners

2024 Q2 Picture Story

Khai Le

Judged by Tony Overman of the Olympian

First Place: First is a beautiful (didn’t we say that before?) set of images from a near ghost town struggling to hang on. The colors are gorgeous, and some of the images are worthy of an art gallery.
Second: An action-packed, drama-filled story from inside a free Palestine demonstration (protest?). Chaos, drama, emotion. We felt kind of claustrophobic from being so close to the chaos.
Third: Wonderful set of portraits and moments of a man living in his car. The photos made us care about this guy.

First Place: Gina Ferazzi, LOS ANGELES Times

Second Place: Robert Gauthier, Los Angeles Times

Third Place: Cristina Klenz Salvador, FREELANCE