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501 W. Glenoaks, #655
Glendale, CA 91202

Photo Contest Winners

2024 Q1 Photo Essay

Khai Le

Jennifer Heffner, q1 judge

First Place :Ahhhhh yes. Here it is, I knew I would see it in another category.  I love this narrative.  Nicely done and for sure a first place winner.  Love the choice of Black and White.
Second Place: This second-place winner had some really strong single images but as a whole it was a bit disjointed. Maybe a tighter edit.  But all in all great coverage.
Third Place: Nicely done daily newspaper photo story.

First Place: cristina klenz, freelance



Meet Our Judge, Jennifer Heffner


With over 25 years of experience, she has captured stunning visuals from the halls of The White House to the pages of major publications. Jennifer is a renowned commercial, advertising, and editorial photographer, and she co-founded East 27 Creative with her business partner, John Devaney. Their studios in Washington, DC, and East Hampton, NY, have been the backdrop for countless creative projects.  Ten years as a White House Photographer and Editor in DC.

Jennifer is also an advocate for photographers, having served in various leadership positions, including as past Director of American Photographic Artists, Washington, DC Chapter, Vice President of Women Photojournalists of Washington (WPOW), and co-president of the American Society of Picture Professionals (ASPP).

When Jennifer isn't behind the lens, you can find her exploring the great outdoors, paddleboarding on Gardner Bay in East Hampton, NY, or hiking through the majestic mountain ranges of Virginia. As a mother to four creative children, she inspires the next generation of storytellers.