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501 W. Glenoaks, #655
Glendale, CA 91202

Student Multimedia

Student Multimedia Portfolio/Photojournalist of the Year 2019

All entries must have been produced and published on the web between January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2020. 

There are three categories. Enter one or as many categories if possible.

Multimedia Features/Personality. A piece about the daily spirit of life/personalities, or news and people in the news. A multimedia/audio presentation under 5 minutes. The vast majority of the video must be done by one person.  Publication or broadcast is not required.

Multimedia News. A piece constructed around news events of the day, must have been executed in a 72-hour turnaround window.  The vast majority of the video must be done by one person. Five-minute limit. Publication or broadcast is not required.

Multimedia Narrative/Documentary. Longer-form stories looking more in-depth at people and issues. Could be based on news-related events. The vast majority of the video must be done by one person. A video/audio presentation longer than 5 minutes with a 10-minute limit. Publication or broadcast is not required.

You can enter multiple entries in each category. It is suggested, but not required, that you enter each category,

Preparation of Entries and Eligibility 

  1. The Student Multimedia/Photojournalist of the Year Competition is open to all student members in good standing. Membership in the Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles is required.

  2. Students must be enrolled currently in degree seeking programs at part-time o full-time students either at community college or a four-year school, public or private.

  3. The majority of each entry must be the work of a single photographer

  4. Ideally each entry must have been posted on the Web, but publication or broadcast not required, and the entrant must have completed at least three substantial components from the following list: Photography, Videography, Video editing, Audio slideshow, Writing, Animation, Interactivity, Flash, Graphics or any other data-driven tools.

  5. All multimedia entries should have a direct “click and play” link. Use YouTube or Vimeo. Please send an entry form to Rick Meyer Entries must be received by Rick Meyer, no later than 5 p.m. on January 20, 2020.

  6. The Scholarship is sponsored by the PPAGLA Past-Presidents and Retired Members. First place is $1000. The runner-up gets $500. The winner will be an honored guest of the Press Photographers at their 84th Annual Awards Luncheon in early 2020.


Entry forms and questions go to: Rick Meyer
click here for LINK TO PDF OF ENTRY FORM

It is understood that any copyright of an entry remains the property of the photographer or employer of the photographer. However, all participants agree that by entering the contest, entrants give permission to PPAGLA and its publications to reproduce winning entries, either through hard copy or electronically, including and not limited to the Just One More, eJOM Jr., commercial online services and PPAGLA presences on the Internet. Reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure the security of electronic reproduction.