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Photo Contest Winners

July 2017 Winners

Khai Le

Terry Pierson / The Press Enterprise - 775
Thomas R Cordova / Daily Breeze / Press-Telegram - 450
Will Lester / Inland Valley Daily Bulletin - 420
Keith Birmingham/ Pasadena Star-News - 360
Ringo Chiu / Los Angeles Business Journal / Freelance - 350
Ed Crisostomo / Orange County Register - 270
Mindy Schauer / Orange County Register - 200
Bill Alkofer / Orange County Register - 110
Mark J. Terrill / AP - 100
John McCoy / Los Angeles Daily News - 90
Ronen Tivony / Freelance - 90
David Pardo / Victorville Daily Press - 50
Karen Quincy Loberg / Ventura County Star - 30
Jennifer Cappuccio Maher / Inland Valley Daily Bulletin - 30
Frank Perez / Freelance - 20
John M. Blodgett / Southern California News Group - 10
Richard Koehler / Freelance - 10

Thanks to the photo staff at the Indy Star for judging. They have left comments about some of the winning photos below. 


Entertainment:Definitely the strongest category. First place was just a nice moment, beautiful colors and super graphic. We enjoyed the mood and body shape in the second place winner. Third place was full of emotion and color. Great job to all!


Feature:We really enjoyed the streak of lightning. Whomever wrote the caption on this needs to be careful with spelling. You had ‘lightening’ in your caption. I’ll let you Google the definition. Second place offered nice sillouhette and beautiful light. Third place was funny and definitely celebrates life. 


General News:First place was a clear winner. None of the judges had ever seen a photo like this. We moved second and third place from the feature category. Both are photos taken at a planned event, thus a general news photo. Second place made us pause and smile. Third place was engaging and cute. 


Portrait:First place was different. It was hip and had nice light. Second place, technique-wise, is perfect but stereotypical. Third place was just a cute moment. Though we debated whether this was actually a portrait.


Sports Action:First place was a clear winner. Sharp, clean, nice moment. Second place read easily as well. The snot flying is a nice touch. Nice crop as well. We moved the third place image from sports feature due to the wording in the caption. One judge felt very strongly about the image. He enjoyed the easy read, crop. 


Sport Feature:First place was a nice quiet, easy-to-read moment. We enjoyed the black and white toning as well. Second place offered some nice celebration, a clean-ish background. Third place was funny and a nice moment. The toning and crop is a tad off. Consider making this black and white.


Spot News:First place was a clear winner. The photographer was on hand to catch the news in action. Second place was graphic and read quickly. Third place was interesting and kept us wanting to know more.


Photo Story:The first place story was a clear winner. There were some great, storytelling moments in here. Kudos to following closely and showing both sides. Second place was a very typical story. You covered all bases. Some nice moments in here for sure. Third place offered a different way to tell a rodeo story. We appreciated the idea.

June 2017 Winners

Khai Le

Terry Pierson / The Press Enterprise - 635
Keith Birmingham/ Pasadena Star-News - 330
Will Lester / Inland Valley Daily Bulletin - 330
Ringo Chiu / Los Angeles Business Journal / Freelance - 330
Thomas R Cordova / Daily Breeze / Press-Telegram - 310
Ed Crisostomo / Orange County Register - 240
Mindy Schauer / Orange County Register - 180
Bill Alkofer / Orange County Register - 110
Mark J. Terrill / AP - 100
John McCoy / Los Angeles Daily News - 90
Ronen Tivony / Freelance - 90
David Pardo / Victorville Daily Press - 50
Karen Quincy Loberg / Ventura County Star - 30
Jennifer Cappuccio Maher / Inland Valley Daily Bulletin - 20
Frank Perez / Freelance - 20
John M. Blodgett / Southern California News Group - 10
Richard Koehler / Freelance - 10

Thanks to the photo staff of the Indy Star for judging. They have provided comments on some of the winning photos below - 


Entertainment:We enjoyed the light in the first place image, the attempt to be funny in the second place and the moment in the third place.


Feature:First place was clean and a nice moment. Second place offered a funny look at everyday life. Third place was a cute, playful moment. The issue with a lot of the images in this category is that they were actually general news photos. Please be careful that just because an image looks ‘featurey’ doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a feature. If the photo is taken at a planned event, it’s most likely a general news image.


General News:First place offered an eye-catching moment to help tell the story. It was clean as well. Second place was moved from the feature category. A wonderful moment captured! Third place was moved as well from feature. Nice composition!


Portrait:First place was a clear winner. The photographer did a great job with the lighting. Second place offered great insight into who this pitcher is. Nicely done. Third place was a clear read with nice light.


Sports Action:First place was a nice moment, hair flying, look in her eyes. Second place, although an awkward crop, offered a piece of storytelling. We enjoyed her face, body posture. Third place was definitely eye-catching.


Sports Feature:We moved the first place image from sports action. Because she wasn’t in the process of falling we thought this would be better served in the sports feature category. Interesting moment for sure. Second place was an easy, quick read that showed some nice emotion. Third place had nice light and great emotion.


Spot News:First place was just such a great moment, interesting image. Surprising if you will. Second place was super graphic, leaving us wanting to know more. Third place used the light to show the contrast of the water on the fire torn hill. Graphic with nice composition. 


Photo Essay:First place offered a great story. There were a nice variety of images. The photographer used silhouette, lensing to keep the story moving. Second place had beautiful colors and nice moments. The editing could have been tighter. Third place also could have used some variation in focal length but overall some very nice moments.  


May 2017 Winners

Khai Le

Terry Pierson / The Press Enterprise - 475
Thomas R Cordova / Daily Breeze / Press-Telegram - 310
Keith Birmingham/ Pasadena Star-News - 280
Will Lester / Inland Valley Daily Bulletin - 250
Ringo Chiu / Los Angeles Business Journal / Freelance - 240
Ed Crisostomo / Orange County Register - 200
Mindy Schauer / Orange County Register - 120
Bill Alkofer / Orange County Register - 110
Mark J. Terrill / AP - 100
John McCoy / Los Angeles Daily News - 90
Ronen Tivony / Freelance - 90
David Pardo / Victorville Daily Press - 50
Karen Quincy Loberg / Ventura County Star - 30
Jennifer Cappuccio Maher / Inland Valley Daily Bulletin - 20
Frank Perez / Freelance - 20
John M. Blodgett / Southern California News Group - 10
Richard Koehler / Freelance - 10

Thanks to Judges: 
Orlando Sentinel Photo Staff