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Photo Exhibition: Ganbare! Japanese Athletes on the World Stage

  • The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles Hall 5700 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA, 90036 United States (map)

Photo Exhibition
Ganbare! Japanese Athletes on the World Stage

October 16 - December 14, 2024

Mon-Sat 12:00pm-6:00pm
Closed on Sundays & Holidays (November 11, 28, 29, 30)

The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles Hall
(5700 Wilshire Blvd.,#100, Los Angeles, CA 90036)
Admission: FREE

Pre-opening event:
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Talk by Mark Edward Harris
Reservation is preferred (Click Here)

Sports Day, a national holiday in Japan, falls this year on October 14. Autumn is commonly referred to as the "season of sports" and various sports-related events are held in Japan at this time. This autumn, the new JFLA exhibition is a showcase of photos showing Japanese athletes active in the United States and around the world. We will introduce the works of award-winning photographer Mark Edward Harris, who vividly captures the images of professional and amateur athletes in a wide range of fields, from the athletes competing in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics (actually held in 2021 amid the coronavirus pandemic) and the 2024 Paris Olympics, to popular athletes in professional North American league sports such as tennis and golf. Photos will include the major leaguer who is currently attracting attention in Japan and the United States, Shohei Ohtani of the Dodgers.

Please come see Mr. Harris during the opening reception as he shares the story behind each photo and his adventures as a photographer. 


Mark Edward Harris
Assignments have taken Mark Edward Harris to more than 100 countries on all seven continents. His editorial work has appeared in publications such as Vanity Fair, LIFE, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time Magazine, GEO, Newsweek, Conde Nast Traveler, National Geographic Traveler, Hemispheres, AFAR, Paris Match, VICE, Wallpaper, Vogue, Architectural Digest, The Los Angeles Times Magazine, and The London Sunday Times Travel Magazine as well as all the major photography and in-flight magazines. Among his numerous accolades are CLIO, ACE, Impact DOCS Award of Excellence, Aurora Gold, New York Book Show Book of the Year and IPA awards. His books include Faces of the Twentieth Century: Master Photographers and Their Work, The Way of the Japanese Bath, Wanderlust, North Korea, South Korea, Inside Iran, The Travel Photo Essay: Describing A Journey Through Images and his latest, The People of the Forest, a book about orangutans.
Instagram:  @MarkEdwardHarrisPhoto


Earlier Event: August 24
PPAGLA Summer Picnic 2024
Later Event: February 16
Photo Night: Dodgers World Series