Exhibit Dates Continue Up To August 8th
The Top 100 Exhibition
Akihiro Futura, Arturo Rojas, Blair Wells, En Nico, Anthony Fererici, Brian C. Janes, Brian Van de Wetering, Stella Lee, Terry Richter, Charlie Lieberman, Cher Han Lee, Chooi Mei Oong, Christopher Wilson, Dan McCormack, David Lykes Keenan, David Maung, David Obermeyer, Doug Ness, François van Bastelaer, Christopher Malcolm, Dahee Han, Erica Moffit, Jamie Farrell, John Parkes, Katsumi Saiki, Margrieta Jeltema, Mark Sullivan, Marco Ruggiero, Huazheng Hong, Laura Creexy, Neala Coan, Randy Wright, Robbin Goddard, Ron L Zheng, Roza Vulf, Sarah Golonka, Tharpa Chotron, Valerie Cargo, Lisa Sheehan, Lucio Villa, Malina Stanczak, Marian Crostic, MIke Cavanagh, Minoru Hotsuki, Pat Wang, Paula Ruket, Richard Chow, Stacey Turner.
The Perfect Exposure Gallery is the recognized venue in Southern California to display the work of award winning and accomplished photojournalists as well as works of photographers that regard artistry and craftsmanship as a standard of excellence. Established in 1998 as a much needed venue for LA photojournalists and photographers, the gallery continues to create unique exhibits through contact with various media organizations including The Associated Press, Magnum Photo Agency, The Los Angeles Times, Getty Images, and Agence France-Presse.
The mission of the Perfect Exposure Gallery is to present exhibits free of charge to the general public with the goal to exemplify the rich variety and impact of photography, freedom of expression, the aesthetic, the contemptible, and the sublime. In addition, the gallery works with a distinguished group of acclaimed photojournalists to produce ongoing seminars and workshops for both adults and youths.
Ehxibit Dates: June 28th - August 8th
Don't know what to do with all the images you've taken? Is your memory card full? Are you looking at a computer screen cluttered with jpegs and folders?
If so, learn to edit and archive the professional way. We will take you through step-by-step processes of downloading, editing, captioning, archiving and storing your pictures. You will learn how to edit efficiently and effectively --- and how to quickly identify the elements of good imagery.
The Efficient, Effective Editing seminar takes place from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Thursday, July 18, 2013, at the Perfect Exposure Gallery, 3519 W. Sixth Street, Suite 15, Los Angeles, CA. 90020, tel/ 213 381-1137. The fee for the seminar is $110.00.
Please bring your camera and laptop, CDs, or external drives that contain whole takes of some of your favorite shoots. We will edit your work and help you pare the images down to a select few and show you what to with the rest. Participation is limited to 10 people.
Date: Thursday 18, July 2013
Hours: 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Price: 110.00 per person.
If you interested in coming along, please contact Armando Arorizo at the Perfect Exposure Gallery
3519 W 6th Street
Los Angeles, Ca 90020
Gallery Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday
11am - 4pm
T: 213-381-1137
F: 213-381-1138
Limited spots left!!
with Eli Reed
South Pacific Photo Visual Workshops are all about making you a better photographer. We focus on developing your eye and storytelling skills as you immerse yourself in a weeklong adventure in the Philippines. We teach creative thinking and artistry, and guarantee that you will improve your imagery while having a good time.
The workshops will include scholarship students from the local community and proceeds will be donated to visual arts programs at Founation Univeristy founded in 1949 to empower the people of Dumaguete.
August 5 - 11, 2013
Seven-day, Six-night Workshop
Dumaguete City, Philippines
Organized in Cooperation With Foundation University
Cost of Workshop: $2,875.00
All meals, hotel accommodations and local transportation are included.
Flights to and from the workshop site are not included.
Limited to 12 participants.
For more information, please visit
The South Pacific Photo Workshop Website
Click to view the following full exhibits
Gallery Selects
3rd & Vermont
...and a little beyond
The Monday Night Tease Retrospective
Barack Obama
44th President of the United States of America
Perfect Exposures 2012
The Top 100 Exhibit
Eternal Spring
Intersections of Greatness
The Legends Meet in Miami
Reflections of New York
Recently Discovered 1950''''''''s Street Photography
Fulfillment Services @ The Perfect Exposure Studio
The Perfect Exposure Studio is proud to announce our fulfillment services for photographers, artists, publishers and interior designers.
Take advantage of our one-stop-shop service. Bring us your photo or artwork and we will print them, frame/mount them, pack them professionally and ship them to your place of choice.
Our fulfillment services include:
- Scanning from original art, transparencies and film
- Proofing/Color Correction or art and photography
- Award-Winning Fine Art Printing by Master-Printer by Simone de la Espriella
- Custom Framing
- Custom Packaging
- Drop Shipping
- Certicates of Authenticity
- Consulting on Color Management Solutions
Call us at 213.381.11.36 or email us at simone@theperfectexposurestudio.com
No project is too large or small - quantity discounts are available for larger orders.
Full Studio Services Available through
The Perfect Exposure Studio
Call 213.381.1136 for prices on custom printing & framing
Find us online!
Official Website
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